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Issuing API Calls

This reference doc explains how to make calls to APIs exposed by Dijets Network nodes.


An API call is always made to an:

endpoint which essentially is just another word for a URL.

The main difference between the common URLs and an endpoint URL is in its composition.

An Endpoint is mainly made up of:

base URI which is the address of the server system host

port which is the port number exposed on the address; and lastly

path which is the absolute path address on the host serving the endpoint URL

Base URL

The base of the URL is always:

[server-ip] / [node-ip]:[http-port]

  • node-ip is the IP address of the node the call is made to.
  • http-port is the port the node listens on for HTTP calls.

All Dijets Nodes listen to port: 9650 by default.

For example, if you're making RPC calls on a locally running node, the base URL might look something like this:

If you're making RPC calls to remote cloud based nodes, then instead of you should use the public IP of the server where the node is.


Dijets Node will only accept API calls on the local interface by default. You can override this default setting by specifying http-host flag when starting Dijets Node


Do not leave the http-port accessible to everyone! Malicious actors will often scan for nodes that have unrestricted access to their RPC port so they can spam them with resource-intensive queries forcing the network to go offline.

Primary Dijets Network and Child Chain RPC calls

Besides the local primary APIs, the Dijets node will also expose endpoints to establish communication with specific chains that are either part of the Main Dijets Network i.e Value, Utility and Method Chains, or part of any Child Chains or Enterprise Consortia chains that the node might also be validating or synchronising with.

In general, such endpoints are always formatted as:[blockhainID]

Primary Dijets Network Endpoints

The Primary Network consists of the Value, Utility & Method Chain. These three chains are omnipresent in all Dijets Nodes hence they can easily be defined using an alias instead of the long chain ID that each blockchain gets assigned upon its creation. Using these aliases the three main chains of Dijets Network have the following endpoints: for Value Chain for Method Chain for Utility Chain

Utility Chain and EVM-specific Endpoints

Dijets Utility Chain exposes its own set of endpoints, accessible with JSON-RPC, and Websocket.

JSON-RPC EVM Endpoints

To interact with Dijets Utility Chain via the JSON-RPC use the endpoint:

Businesses or Organisations running an Enterprise Consortia chain on Dijets can access their instance of the EVM via the JSON-RPC endpoint:[blockchainID]/rpc

where blockchainID is the ID of the blockchain running the EVM.

Websocket EVM Endpoints

To interact with Dijets Utility Chain via the websocket endpoint, use:

To interact with other instances of the EVM via the websocket endpoint:

where blockchainID is the ID of the respective blockchain. For example, to interact with Dijets Utility Chain's Ethereum APIs via websocket you can use:


Use https:// or wss:// instead of http:// or ws:// when making calls to Dijets Public API server.

Breakdown of a JSON RPC Request

Most of Dijets Node APIs use the standard JSON RPC 2.0 format for making its requests and responses. Here's a breakdown of a JSON RPC request

  • jsonrpc specifies the version of the JSON RPC protocol. (In practice is always 2.0)
  • method specifies the service and method that we want to invoke.
  • params specifies the arguments to the method.
  • id is the ID of this request. Request IDs should be unique.

JSON RPC Success Response

Each successfully made request call - whether it's made to a locally or remotely running Dijets Node or its Public Server API - will look like this:

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"Status": "Accepted"
"id": 1
  • id is the ID of the request that this response corresponds to.
  • result is the returned values.

JSON RPC Error Response

If the API method invoked returns an error then the response will have a field error in place of result. Additionally, there is an extra field, data, which holds additional information about the error that occurred.

Such a response would look like:

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"error": {
"code": -32600,
"message": "[The error message goes here]",
"data": [Any additional information about the error goes into this object]
"id": 1

Now that you have learnt how to make API Calls to a Dijets Node, lets go ahead and make a few calls to generate a singleton wallet which is one of the requirements for Dijets Council Membership.