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Generate a Singleton Wallet

Dijets Wallet Addresses

A new address is created by Dijets wallet after each confirmed transaction or deposit. This is mainly done for privacy reasons so a third party doesn’t see all of your DJTX in one address.


Although Dijets Wallet creates a new address after each new transaction occurs, all of the addresses continue to link to the same wallet. Which means that you can continue to use your old wallet address for receiving DJTX

Radical transparency is one of the foundations to Dijets Governance Mechanism. Whereas each Council Member's actions, choices, votes, delegations etc are all recorded on-chain for the duration of their term. The Council Member is thus required to obtain a Singleton Wallet address which remains unchanged. In doing so, each registered wallet address can then quickly traced back to its respective private key holding council member.

Dijets keystore API

In the previous section we learnt about issuing API calls to Dijets Node. We will use the same API methods to generate a singleton wallet.

Each Node in Dijets Network has a built-in keystore to generate wallet addresses from. Clients create users essentially by registering an address within this keystore. These addresses can then act as identities to be used when interacting with blockchains. Note that this keystore exists only at the node level, so if you create a user on a node'A' it exists only in node'A'. However, users can be imported and exported into other Nodes using the same keystore API.


This API set is specifically aimed at a presumed Node that the Council Member has already setup and is running.


This API uses the json 2.0 API format like most other Dijets Node APIs.


For MacOS running upwards of 10.15 Catalina:

Press Command ⌘ and Spacebar to bring up the Spotlight. Then type in the word “Terminal” (without the quotation marks).

Select Terminal from the list and wait for the terminal window to open up.

Paste the following command:

curl -X POST --data '{
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "avm.createAddress",
"params": {
"id": 1
}' -H 'content-type:application/json;'

For Windows OS:

Invoke curl.exe from a command window.

Click Start > Run and then type cmd in the Run dialog box.

Look for the Command Prompt, right click and select "Run as administrator"

Wait for the Command Prompt window to open and Paste the following command

curl -X POST --data '{
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "avm.createAddress",
"params": {
"id": 1
}' -H 'content-type:application/json;'

If the call was made successfully then you should see an output as a response with a newly generated Dijets Address:

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"address": "X-dijets1xcprqajsw6gtfsvlh9x5rdlmqolrgkmns2fqr2r0"
"id": 1

Note down the address and go ahead and run the second curl command

curl -X POST --data '{
"id" :1,
"method" :"avm.exportKey",
"params" :{
}' -H 'content-type:application/json;'

We use the same username and password as the first command and in the address param, we added the address generated in the previous step.

If the call was made successfully then you should see an output as a response, this time with a PrivateKey associated with the address you generated with the first command.

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"result": {
"privateKey": "PrivateKey-2w1XiXxPfQL4TypYqnohRL8DJNTz9cGiGmwQ1zmgEqD9c9KWLq"

Never give out your PrivateKey to anyone. Keep the Private Key in a safe place. Anyone with your PrivateKey can steal your funds and a if you lose your Private Key, then there is no way to recover your account or funds

Singleton Wallet Address

The address you generated with the commands above is a Singleton Wallet address. Which means that this address will not change like an address generated with a mnemonic phrase does.

Next Step

Now that you have generated a singleton wallet address, you can use the generated Private Key to log into Dijets Wallet and stake your 25K DJTX to complete the Council Membership registration.