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General DIP Template


DIP#: to be assigned by DIP Editor

Title: DIP title

Author(s): Name of the DGC Member submitting the DIP

Domain: Network & Protocol | Governance | Money Markets | Metaverse | Products & Services

Type: template

Status: Assigned by DIP Facilitator

Date Proposed: yyyy-mm-dd

Date Ratified: yyyy-mm-dd

Dependencies: List of any existing dependent DIPs

Replaces: List of DIP it is replacing if any

Notes: ---


  • A list of supporting materials referenced by this DIP.

Sentence Summary

  • A description of what the Dijets Improvement Proposal (DIP) is focused on. Suggest 30 words max.

Paragraph Summary

  • A description of what the Dijets Improvement Proposal (DIP) is focused on. Suggest 100 words max.

Module Summary

  • A description of the purpose of each module in the DIP . Suggest 30 words max per module.


  • A short description of the motivation behind the DIP.

Specification / Proposal Details

  • Proposed process standard details - describes the new process or feature and the problem it is solving.

Governance specific implications/considerations include impact on revenue stream, cost to treasury, voting process, staking, tokenomics, etc.

If the proposal requires payment to a third party team, this section must contain the details of the team.